
A Ranch Fit for a King (of Texas)

If the Old West survives anywhere, it's here, on the messy King Ranch in southern Texas.

At 825,000 acres, it is bigger than the state of Rhode Island. Everything around it is large, storied, and mythic.

This is the ranch that established the well-known cattle drives celebrated in movies like "Red River" . . . the family that glorious the long-running TV soap opera "Dallas" . . . the set where Texas legend and lore were born.

"The two big icons in Texas chronicle, and there are only two. The Alamo. King Ranch. And that's it," said Texas Monthly magazine publisher reporter Sam Gwynne. He's written extensively of the King Ranch, and its greater-than-life founder, Richard King:

"He was a man who would settle things with his fists," Gwynne said. "If you see pictures of him, he's got a bull neck, enormous shoulders, enormous arms. He was a gentleman who could settle things on his own."

Richard King was a rampant orphan who beginning made his fate moving American soldiers up the Rio Grande River during the Mexican War. During the Civil War, he put Mexican flags on his river gravy boats to run Confederate cotton previous Union naval blockades.

It was his best friend, Robert E. Lee, who told King to keep buying up barren southern Texas land:

"'The desert of the dead' was one thing that the Mexicans called it, desert in the sense there was nothing there," Gwynne told.
King brought not only cattle up from Mexico, but an entire village of Mexican cowboys who would become his fiercely true kinenos, the king's men: "When he was out driving with his kinenos, with their carbines on horseback, it's a gentleman who's a law unto himself, in a set that he owns and runs - and then not only that, that he sliced out of a harsh world."

Today there's a guard home on the important road into the cattle ranch, and down that road, lodging for today's kinenos, and a public school to educate the ranch children.

(Left: The running W brand of the King Ranch in southern Texas.)

And then there's the historic King Family compound, strutting peacocks and all. And all part of the legend:

What's also legendary is the family's deeply-held desire for privacy. The main house for example, with its teak floors and tiffany furniture is off-limits to tourists and journalists, allowed instead for family and invited guests.

"CBS Sunday Morning" was allowed to show the King Ranch's images of the understated, comfortable elegance of the main house that replaced the first destroyed by fire in 1912 - a rare look inside allowed, in part, because there are certain matters the King Ranch needs you to know . . .

The real story of King Ranch is that of a family business that has establish a style to survive, a selection identified each fall, when thousands of visitors come for the ranch hands' breakfast. A time for a few to stroll by the grave sites of the racehorses that also made King Ranch famous.

Triple Crown winner Assault is buried present.

James "Jamey" Clement Jr. is a sixth-generation descendant of Capt. King, and now chairman of the board of King Ranch, said he didn't realize the specialness of the set where he grew up until he left:

"Well, having grown up present, it was like not knowing anything different. I went away to school at an early age. And so I started to appreciate that. And everybody always knew of King Ranch at the time.

"I made a mistake when we had our 150th anniversary. Somebody quoted me as saying the ranch [was] never for cut-rate sale in my lifetime. And one of my cousins called me and said, 'You're mistaken: it's ne'er for sale."

One big reason the ranch has prospered is because of what was discovered beneath the old desert of the dead. H2o for one thing. And then, more significantly, oil:

"Well, the King Ranch wasn't just around ranching. It was one of the big oil studies in Texas," said Gwynne. "They finally drilled 3,700 wells. The oil receipts to Exxon in the '80s, when the price went up, were $600 million, of which the King Ranch got $100 million of that."

And it was Bob Kleberg, Richard King's grandson, a big-living, bigger-than-life character himself who turned the oil deal:

"It's really hard to know where to begin with him," Gwynne said. "He negotiated the largest private oil lease in history. He would hold court sometimes at the main ranchhouse where he would have, you know, potentates from the Middle East, Bing Crosby and Will Rogers. And this was the life."

The story is on display in the nearby company town named - what else - Kingsville, where archivists at the King Ranch Museum carefully preserve reminders of the past . . . how Bob Kleberg - Mr. Bob - made it on the cover of Time magazine publisher in 1947 . . . how he expanded the enterprise worldwide to 15 million acres, with holdings in Argentina, Australia and Brazil.

. . . and how the family enjoyed the good life. On display is a hunting car specially designed for Kleberg's brother, Richard, a seven-term Congressman, with gun mounts on the sides and a bar in the back seat.

"The best way to hold a family company together is to make money," laughed Jack Hunt, who runs the family business these days. He's an outsider brought in to manage the empire from corporate headquarters in Houston.

"Is the key to survival diversity?" asked Jerry Bowen.

"Yes, I think so.I mean, in the old days, they had cattle and sheep and horses and lots of different things. And then, as we moved into the current era, you know, we've become much more diverse, even beyond that."

The King Ranch Corporation unloaded its foreign holdings and diversified. Now it is the largest citrus grower in Florida . . . one of the largest pecan producers in New Mexico. It grows sugar cane, cotton, and miles of sod for America's lawns.

Back on the original ranch, manager Dave Delaney juggles a huge variety of assets:

"My success as a ranch manager is not only judged by how much money I make, but, more importantly, the shape of the resource ten, 15, 20 years from now, stewarding the land, the water, the cows the wildlife."

"Were you overwhelmed when you took on this job?" Bowen asked.

"I wouldn't say overwhelmed, but it was kind of like drinking from a firehose!" Delaney laughed.

Corporations rent 20,000 acre parcels of the ranch with year-round lodges to entertain clients. Guided trophy hunting for deer starts at $5,000 per person.

Unless you're a King Ranch employee . . . then it's free.

Leroy Montalvo is a sixth-generation kineno, in the saddle since he was a little boy, trailing his father, uncles and grandfather.

"I was about, maybe, six, I would imagine, five," he told. "And I would be out there with my chaps on top, looking at them run around in the brush, and roping these big old animals. So, ever since then, I always wanted to, you know, follow in their footsteps."

But some things do change. Now there are only 45 working cowboys, compared to 400 in the old days:

The King Ranch is changing in other ways. It's lost its battle to head off a wind farm on an adjacent ranch, a project it fears will threaten migrating water fowl . . . and land values.

But the King Ranch brand, the moving W, is strong and on everything . . . from cattle to clothes sold at the ranch store, on saddles, furniture and a special Ford F-150 pickup truck.

While the origin of the running W brand is debated, what is sure is that it is a family symbol of endurance that started with Captain King.

Jamey Clement explained Bowen the cannons out front: "We were still having raiders' parties from Mexico coming in, as late as the early teens. We were always confronted with external forces."

These cannons were actually used to fend off cattle rustlers, and are proof of the ranch's toughness.

"Do you have concerns around the survivability of King Ranch?" Bowen asked.

"No," Clement told. "We'll power through this just like we have before."

Power through it, like Richard King . . . the King of Texas . . . did 155 years ago.cbs

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Lightning affects double on 'The Biggest Loser'

Why do Bob and Jillian freak out every time there's a double reasoning by elimination on "The Biggest Loser"? They recognize this is a reality appearance, right?

With the black sheep Tracey out of the way, the remaining eight participants gather round in unlikely solidarity. But first! Alison Sweeney has some shocking news show. Two people--that's right--two people are going home. The participant with the lowest percentage of weight loss will fall below the dreaded Red Line, while the next two will fall under the Yellow Line.

This week's pop challenge is bull crap. Before it even starts, we all know Allen is going to win. Amanda and Liz sit out for medical reasons, so his contender is basically Rebecca. The participants must jump up and grab some Velcro'd tennis balls and run them to a bucket. Pretty boring challenge, actually. Especially since we all presume Allen's got this in the bag. He wins... and Rebecca comes in second. That gives Allen a one-pound advantage for this week's weigh-in.

Afterward, everyone breaks up to strategize. Obviously the dynamic of the game has changed now that they're not Black vs. Blue anymore. It's now Young vs. Old. The young'uns: Daniel, Shay, Rebecca, and Amanda. The well-known folk: Liz, Danny, Rudy, and Allen. Needless to say, Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels aren't too nervous with the news show. Jill takes it upon herself to do whatever it takes to support Shay at the ranch because she's not ready to go home. Bob doesn't like bringing God with everyone's exists but goes along with Jill's intrigues.

Can Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey's Circus still de jure label themselves as being the greatest appearance on earth? Because I've seen the jousting appearance at Medieval Times. It's fairly amazing. Anyway, this week's gainsay requires typical circus accessaries like trampolines, hoops, and fat people. They each have to start through the giant hoops of their opponents. One 100 points gets that person out, and the last person standing wins resistance. It's so on.

Once again, it's Young vs. Old. The kids attack Liz and Allen, while the geezers set their sights on Amanda and Daniel. It finally comes down to Danny and Rudy teaming up against Shay. Shay, meanwhile, freaks the eff out because she thought Rudy had an coalition with her. Not so, he says. Then she and Danny take each other out and Rudy sails through with immunity. For some reason, this doesn't ride well with me. Even the confetti can't get me on board with this.

Everyone's going crazy in the gymnasium this workweek. With the Red Line looming smash like a storm cloud, the contestants get turned into gym rats. The young'uns sure go as far as to slip spin cycles into their bedrooms. Clever. But don't discount the old folk. Even though Liz's knee is cheated up and Danny needs a hip exchanged, they seem to be setting in their fair part of hard work.

Time for the weigh-in. This is where all sin goes looks. Beginning of all, if it hadn't been for Allen's excess pound and Rudy's immunity, they would have been jazzed. As for everyone else, the amounts were HUGE this week. Shay kicks off the weigh-in with a 17 pound loss, which set a new record for the 100 lb lost by a female on the ranch. But get this-- she still falls under the yellow line! Liz gets 12 pounds, Rebecca gets 10, Danny gets 17. What is going on here?! Amanda only loses 5, so she's below the yellow line with Shay. It all comes down to Daniel, who only loses 5 pounds as well. Holy cow. That means Daniel is going home. Right now. Then it's time to vote between Amanda and Shay. Obviously, Shay is the bigger threat so she's sent house. That was likely the good call.

Once Daniel is home, he reconnects with his ex-teammate David. He's still morbidly obese and has no plans to lose weight anytime shortly. After all, he's got easier things to do. Nevertheless, we don't get an update for Shay. What gives, NBC?! Is this a quick guise for me to watch "The Jay Leno appearance," which has her as a guest tonight? Because it worked. I learned.

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'Lopez Tonight': Is it Whole it's Made Out to Be?

I think of George Lopez from his favorite sitcom "George Lopez" which is presently in syndication along Nickolodeon's 'Nick-at-Nite'. So where as the comedian going since the show was cancelled ages back? He's going working to get his own tonight show up and running. "Lopez Tonight" finally made it's premiere last night on TBS. The comedian demanded his show was some other from all the other late shows in that it tried to exclude all the traditional elements spectators expect from this particular type of programming. In some ways, he was being honest. However, after everything was said and done, it felt just like any other late show.

I'll give Lopez the welfare of the uncertainty on this first go around. Since it was indeed the show's prime, things were a bit sketchy, but that'll likely fade out as the show progressions.

The comedian's soliloquy was undoubtedly screaming, but a bit too informative. He spent a lot of it discussing his agitation to have his personal show. He was a ready at moving his audience and overall seemed decent in the set of a talk show host.

Ellen DeGeneres makes a surprise visit...in her pyjamas none-the-less. Other guests included Eva Longoria Parker, Kobe Bryant and a performance from Carlos Santana.

So what's the verdict? "Lopez Tonight" is certainly something to joke about, but it doesn't venture outside the traditional boundaries of similar shows. Still, it wasn't anything close to the disaster "The Wanda Sykes Show" turned out to be.

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Rihanna's Interview, Ashamed to Fallen in Love with Chris

Good Morning America aired an exclusive preview of Rihanna's interview on 20/20 tonight where she speaks extensively more or less the whole Chris Brown affair, and in the clip above, she says she is embarrassed she fell in love with him and how she feels ashamed she went back to him. The whole thing is way more than straight-forward, she actually covers the event, than all the interviews Brown has ended since the issue. I'm interested to see if Brown attempts to answer to the interview, which broadcasts tonight on ABC.

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Ways to get kicked out of WalMart

7th November 2009: 101 ways to get kicked out of WalMart. There are ongoing meeting places that are so ironical to follow, really. One has this topic "101 paths to get kicked out of WalMart." If you understand what people posted, you can't assist but express joy. People always make fun of the giant WalMart.

Few I found:

- Walk in wear a chicken dress and harass peoples

- Start into somebodies pushcart and scream push me push me!

- Play tag in the store. Put rubbers in random shopping pushcarts.

- Yell in the aloud speaker " All the develop, dairy farm items, and any parve snacks and food have rat poop in it. Go to Direct instead!

- Cover in the dresses rack and start out and frighten people

- Urine in the fish tanks

- When somebody asks if you want help, begin to cry and ask, "Why won't you people just allow me alone?"

- When an annunciation comes over the loudspeaker, assume the fetal position and scream, "No, no! It's those sounds again!"

- While no one's viewing quickly exchange the men's and women's signals on the doors of the rest room.

- Get a pregnant animal and get to the front of the shop and begin stroking it lovingly, saying "Good girl, great bessie."

Now what ways do have in mind that will kick you out of Walmart?

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Thrilling take on classical song and dance in Roanoke

Some zombies brought the Michael Jackson classic "Thriller" back to life Saturday night at the Roanoke Civic Center.

The dance kicked off The Halloween Blast, the biggest Halloween party in the state corresponding to the event's organizer Sponsor Hounds.

This is the second year for the party, and organizers say the beginning act was a big hit.

"We've decided that we're running to do the Thriller dance every year as part of the Halloween Blast, so it'll always be here at the Roanoke Civic Center; we're always going to be doing the Thriller dance earlier," states Elliot Broyles with Sponsor Hounds.

It's free to do the dance and to learn it.

Lessons are offered up to six weeks ahead of the big show.

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Jason Rodriguez, Orlando Gunman, in detention

Jason Rodriguez, the 40-year-old former employee of a Florida transportation consulting firm charged of a shooting fling at the companion that left at least one worn and five injured, has been taken into detention.

A swat team reportedly took him into detention at the house of his mother, Rita Hicks, about eight miles away.

The hitting happened around noon in a 16-story business office building in downtown Orlando called the Gateway Center.

Police say the shooting happened in the offices of Reynolds, Smith & Hill, a transportation consulting firm, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Rodriguez is a former transportation engineer at the firm who was laid off about a year and a half ago as a result of cutbacks.

companion manager Renato Gonzalez stated the Sentinel that Rodriguez made deprecating comments after having pink-slipped.

"He took it a little worse than most people," Gonzalez said.

Rodriguez had his share of financial problems, corresponding to the St. Petersburg Times. He filed for bankruptcy in late May, and owed a total of more than $60,000 in child support, student loans and credit union bills.

The Times also reported that Rodriguez's mother named police as soon as she saw his face on the news, just before he arrived.

At least an hour after the shooting, office workers were still barricaded inside, watching the TV news for more information.

"We've got everybody in one office, with the door barricaded with a chest of drawers," one woman inside the building told the Orlando Sentinel at the time. "There are about 20 of us in here. We're scared."

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Black Friday 2009! Best Buy has declared its VIP contest

Are you ready for the biggest shopping event of the year? Black Friday is just a few weeks away, grab your credit card and get available to shop!

Best Buy has been preparing for the big day since August. They are going to be available for you! The company places out a tool kit to every store which outlines the companies scheme for the year. After the tool kits are sent out, several 'shopping rehearsals' are established up model the chaos of Black Friday.

Today Best Buy announced their second annual Black Friday VIP essay contest. You enjoy Black Friday, just put pen to paper and say Best Buy why you should be a VIP. 25 grand prizes will be handed out. As a grand prize winner you will receive a $1,000 Best Buy gift card, a limo ride to and from the store on Black Friday, special sitting outside of the store for you and 3 invitees, and early admission into the stock at 4:30am (a half hour before everyone else!!), as well as an Insignia digital camcorder. In San Francisco the involved store is located at 1717 Harrison St.

Good Luck and happy shopping on Black Friday!

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Pointy conical brassieres on the up

Pointy cone-shaped bras made well-known in the 1950s by stars such as Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell are making a comeback.

Ladies across the nation are dumping their padded brassieres to embrace their assets after John Lewis revealed that sales of point bras are up by 33 per cent equated to the same time earlier year.

The department store has seen a important soar in the gross sales of the Triumph Doreen White, which is selling a third more than it did the same time last year.

Its cone-shaped best-seller, the Fantastic Belle, is marketings 10 per cent more earlier week then the earlier week.

gross sales of the Triumph Doreen Powder are also up by 7 per cent in the last year as women opt for something a little more playful.

'gross sales have shown that women are no easier hiding their breasts below minimiser brassieres but dealing their assets and applying them to their advantage,' stated Helen Spencer, John Lewis' head buyer of Lingerie.

'cone-shaped bras have 48 technological factors to help make that 1950s silhouette. Channel your inside 1950s starlet and get the Jane Russell look with a lightweight cashmere jumper teamed with a pencil skirt and killer heels to get the look,' she contributed.

Women have also following inspired by modern designers such as Jean Paul Gaultier, Louise Goldin and Dolce & Gabbana, with previous collections featuring cone shaped brassieres.

Probably the best-known wearer of pointy garments is Madonna who worn them during her Blonde Ambition tour and as a result brought them back to life in the 1980s.

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Third Straight Championship Stake Show

PROVO, Utah – First-seed BYU (17-2-2) ensured that the top-two seeds in the 2009 MWC Women’s Soccer Tourney will run for the championship on Saturday with the Cougars' 1-0 victory over fourth-seed New Mexico (13-5-3).

With the win, BYU raises to run second-seeded San Diego State at noon on Saturday, Nov. 7.

BYU’s MWC Freshman of the Year, Carlee Payne, headed in the game’s lone hit for her 13th goal of the season. Afterwards BYU defender Andrea Willis sent a free kick in advance of the New Mexico goal, teammate Kassidy C. Shumway headed the pass back to Payne for the goal. Payne led all players in the stake with three shots.

“It was tough heading,” said BYU head coach Jennifer Rockwood. “I don’t recognize how she did it. She’s had a fantastic year for us and marked a lot of great goals.”

New Mexico's Jess Quador, Rachel Fields and Elizabeth Lambert all established BYU goalkeeper McKinzie Olson with shootings on goal but to no prevail. Olson recorded her 11th personal shutout win, other career-high.

The Cougars ended with 11 shots to New Mexico’s nine.

BYU holds an all-time 9-8-4 record against San Diego State and a 3-1-0 record against them in conference tournament run. The winner of Saturday's match will represent the conference with an automated bid to the 2009 NCAA Women's Soccer College Cup.

Saturday's championship stake will be streamed live on The Mtn.’s World Wide Web site (www.themtn.tv) and line on the linear network via same-day record delay at midnight MT. It will also be re-broadcast at 2 p.m. MT on Sunday, Nov. 8.

Tickets for the MWC Women’s Soccer Tournament finals are now on cut-rate sale online at byutickets.com.
Prices for single-game tickets: $10 for reserved seating; $7 for adults in common admission; $5 for students in common admission.
Children age five and under are free. For info, please call the BYU Marriott Center ticket office at 800-322-BYU1

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Droid could be cut short by arrival of new iPhone

Droid establish day is here, and it couldn’t come shortly enough. For weeks, we’ve been digging through the curls of buzz surrounding the Android 2.0 Droid – the iDon’t commercial messages, the picture leaks, the Droid Eris, the formal list of specs, a massive Droid launch upshot in New York City, and that cool Droid advertisement with all the stealing bombers.

So imagine our felicity when we turned on the Internets this morning and discovered that somebody else feels the same way. Checking to the squad over at Boy Genius Report, Apple is in the final points of prepping a bargain-basement priced iPhone, which would undercut the Droid, and get the Droid launch party to a screeching halt.

BGR is filing away their story under the category of “whisper,” but it should be said that BGR is seldom wrong – this is the web logs that gained the Droid specs before anyone else, and the site has been exceptionally snappy with cleaning up gossip on all way of smartphone. If BGR is right, Apple would set up a $99 8GB iPhone 3G S then in the following month.

The thought is fairly clear: A sub-$100 iPhone, priced for Christmas shoppers, and rolled out right in clock time to flatten out the Droid launching parade. (It should be said that the $99 iPhone given obviously only number in at $99 if you purchased the thing with a two-year contract.)

Meanwhile, many bloggers have whisked themselves into a hysteria over a second Droid smartphone, which is being fabricated by the Taiwan company HTC. The Droid Eris, which will also be sold-out by Verizon, will reportedly suffer a cost tag of $100, less than half the price of the Motorola Droid, and good in line with the BGM judge on a cheaper iPhone.

Among the features on the HTC Droid Eris are a Qualcomm MSM 7600 528MHz processor, a 5.0 megapixel auto focus photographic camera, and a 3.2 inch 320×480 HVGA capacitive contact screen.

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Precious Movie

Precious Movie Theaters, Situated on the novel by Push Sapphire 2009 is an American drama movie, adapted from Sapphire 1996 novel Push. The film premiered in January 2009 Sundance Film Festival where it won the Audience Award and Grand Jury Prize for greatest drama, and a Special Jury Prize for best standing actress Mo’Nique. The movie is conducted by Lee Daniels and co-produced by the house of Daniels, Lee Daniels Entertainment, and Smokewood Entertainment Group, which is owned by Sarah Siegel Magness and Gary Magness, the 2 production parties also brought in Tennessee. The central theme of the movie, “Push,” was written and produced by Robin Thicke.
Precious was picked up for statistical distribution by Lionsgate and will help to promote Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Productions and 34th of Tyler Perry Street Films. The trailer was established with valuable Perry film Madea Goes to Jail. The film is asked to be established nationally in the United States of America on six November 2009.

In February 2009, both Lionsgate and The Weinstein Company filed causes contending ownership of the rights of release of the film.

The film contended in the Un Certain Regard segment at Cannes Festival 2009.

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Miss England Rachel Christie Gives Up Crown After Arrest

Are all lulu queens negative girls? That’s what the news this week seems to suggest, since Miss England Rachel Christie has broken her crown after being caught on distrust of a nightclub assault. Yesterday, infamous previous Miss California gave up her million-dollar lawsuit after a adult sex tape of her was revealed.

However, Rachel may not be so negative. BBC News reports that the 21 year-old gave up the title so that she could focus on clearing her name. Police say she allegedly punched 24 year-old Sara Beverley Jones, another beauty queen (Miss Manchester) in the face in a dispute at a Manchester night club. Sounds alike a bad scene from Miss Congeniality.

Rachel, the first black woman to be topped Miss England, was arrested on suspicion of violation and has been bailed until January 2010. She’s also the niece of previous sprinter Linford Christie, and is herself an athlete desiring to contend in the 2012 Olympics.

Supposedly, the beauties were fighting over a gladiator TV show featuring Sara’s ex and Rachel’s current boyfriend, David McIntosh. Oh snap! His gladiator name is Tornado, so naturally, things got stormy.

In a statement, Miss England organizers said: “Due to the media attention following the allegations against her, Rachel Christie has now decided to withdraw from the Miss World competition and relinquish her Miss England crown. Rachel will concentrate on clearing her name and focus on training for the 2012 Olympics until this case is resolved.”

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Fort Hood ground forces officer shouted 'Allahu Akbar'

A US army psychiatrist more or less to be deployed to Afghanistan allegedly shouted "Allahu Akbar", or "God is greatest", as he opened fire at a military base in Texas, killing 13 people and wounding 28.

The gunman, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, 39, shouted the Arabic word just before he began his shooting spree at Fort Hood military installation yesterday, corresponding to the base commander, Lieutenant General Robert Cone.

Hasan's family told he had been fearing deployment to Afghanistan.

Cone praised a noncombatant police officer for blocking the rampage. Sergeant Kimberly Munley and her partner responded within three minutes of reported gunfire. Cone told Munley shot the gunman four times despite being shot herself. "It was an amazing and an aggressive performance by this police officer," he told.

Twelve of those killed were soldiers; one was a civilian. All of the wounded were in a good condition, officials told at a press conference today. Among them are Hasan himself and Munley.

Contrary to initial covers, Hasan is alive but has not yet been questioned by investigators as he is on a ventilator. "He is in a good condition," an army medical spokesman said.

Commander Colonel Steven Braverman, who was a colleague of Hasan at the Darnall army medical centre on Fort Hood, stated Hasan executed well in his job and had showed no obvious signs of trouble. "We are not aware of any problems that he had while he was here at Darnall," stated Braverman, adding: "We had no troubles with his job performance while he was running with us." Braverman confirmed Hasan had met orders to deploy to Afghanistan.

Nader Hasan, expressed reporters he had been reverencing going to warfare, having counselled scores of passing soldiers for post-traumatic stress disorder. "He was angry by the idea of having to deploy," the cousin said. "He had citizenry telling him on a casual basis the horrors they saw over there."

Family and fellow officers told Hasan had complained of harassment by other troops about his Middle Eastern ethnicity and Muslim faith.

The FBI was last night going through Hasan's phone and computing device tapes to see if a motive could be identified. Agents were checking back on website postings by a man who identified himself as Nidal Hasan that come out sympathetic to suicide bombings.

At about 1.30pm yesterday, Virginia-born Hasan is said to have opened fire with two handguns at the base's soldier preparation centre where military personnels were having equipment checks, dental treatment and undergoing other preparations before being flown to Iraq or as they returned from combat. Neither of the guns are believed to have been military issue.

Ford Hood's deputy base commanding officer, Colonel John G Rossi, said about 500 soldiers were in the field when Hasan participated the centre wearing military uniform. He shot some victims at close range and others were injured as the bullets ricocheted, Rossi said.

troops are not allowed to carry firearms on the base and armed military police quickly swarmed to the scene.

Soldiers tore up their uniforms to patch the injured. military personnels at a graduation ceremony nearby, attended by 600, have been praised for rapidly blocking the doors when the firing started.

The base went into lockdown for several hours amid concerns other gunmen were involved. Greg Schanepp, who was representing a local congressman at the graduation, told how a soldier who had been shot in the back came moving towards him and alarmed him to the shooting, saying him not to go in the direction of the killer.

The base commander, Cone, told only military police on the base carried guns. He did not speculate on a motive. Two other citizenry were questioned and then released.

Federal law enforcement officials stated Associated Press that Hasan had come to their attention at least six months ago because of his World Wide Web postings, which discussed suicide bombings and other terrors.

One of the World Wide Web posts that authorities reviewed was a blog that corresponded suicide bombers with a soldier dropping himself on a grenade to keep the lives of his comrades. "To say that this soldier committed suicide is inappropriate. It's more appropriate to say he is a desperate hero that sacrificed his life for a more noble cause," stated the post. "Students have paralled this to self-destruction bombers whose purpose, by committing their lives, is to help deliver Muslims by killing opposition soldiers."

The officials stated Hasan appeared to have made the postings but it was still being checked.

The wounded were brought to infirmaries in the central Texas region. Lisa Pfund stated her daughter Amber Bahr, 19, was shot in the suffer and was in a stable condition.

Barack Obama, interrupting a voice communication in Washington, said the incident was a "horrific outburst of violence".

The shooter established no signs of trouble or strain when he plugged at a appliance shop for his everyday breakfast, told Jeannie Strickland, local 7-Eleven manager. "He came in (Thursday) morning simply like normal."

Video footage was established on CNN last night apparently of Hasan in a store in the morning ‑ around six to seven hours before the shooting ‑ looking relaxed as he bought some goods.

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Michael Dyer charges to Auburn

Auburn has brought its running back of the future.

Little Rock Christian (Little Rock, Ark.) major Michael Dyer, the state's all-time leading rusher, announced his commitment to Auburn during a school assembly this morning.

Dyer, No. 15 widespread in the MaxPreps 2010 Top 100 rolled up by Tom Lemming, is the third ranked running back in the state, downward Marcus Lattimore (Byrnes, Duncan, S.C.) and Lache Seastrunk (Temple, Texas).

He selected the Tigers over Arkansas, Tennessee, and a boniface of other schools that offered a scholarship.

Two workweeks ago against Lake Side (Hot Springs, Ark.), the 5-foot-9, 215-pound Dyer broke the Arkansas career state rushing record of 7,122 previously held by previous Elaine star Vernon Hicks.

“His best asset likely is his balance," Little Rock Christian private instructor Justin Roper said after the game. "What makes him so great is that on that point are guys who are responsible and guys who are big and physical, and some are proficient receivers but Michael can do it all. He’s so hard to tackle because he’s so strong and you can’t knock him off balance.”

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