
Ways to get kicked out of WalMart

7th November 2009: 101 ways to get kicked out of WalMart. There are ongoing meeting places that are so ironical to follow, really. One has this topic "101 paths to get kicked out of WalMart." If you understand what people posted, you can't assist but express joy. People always make fun of the giant WalMart.

Few I found:

- Walk in wear a chicken dress and harass peoples

- Start into somebodies pushcart and scream push me push me!

- Play tag in the store. Put rubbers in random shopping pushcarts.

- Yell in the aloud speaker " All the develop, dairy farm items, and any parve snacks and food have rat poop in it. Go to Direct instead!

- Cover in the dresses rack and start out and frighten people

- Urine in the fish tanks

- When somebody asks if you want help, begin to cry and ask, "Why won't you people just allow me alone?"

- When an annunciation comes over the loudspeaker, assume the fetal position and scream, "No, no! It's those sounds again!"

- While no one's viewing quickly exchange the men's and women's signals on the doors of the rest room.

- Get a pregnant animal and get to the front of the shop and begin stroking it lovingly, saying "Good girl, great bessie."

Now what ways do have in mind that will kick you out of Walmart?


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