Jason Rodriguez, the 40-year-old former employee of a Florida transportation consulting firm charged of a shooting fling at the companion that left at least one worn and five injured, has been taken into detention.
A swat team reportedly took him into detention at the house of his mother, Rita Hicks, about eight miles away.
The hitting happened around noon in a 16-story business office building in downtown Orlando called the Gateway Center.
Police say the shooting happened in the offices of Reynolds, Smith & Hill, a transportation consulting firm, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
Rodriguez is a former transportation engineer at the firm who was laid off about a year and a half ago as a result of cutbacks.
companion manager Renato Gonzalez stated the Sentinel that Rodriguez made deprecating comments after having pink-slipped.
"He took it a little worse than most people," Gonzalez said.
Rodriguez had his share of financial problems, corresponding to the St. Petersburg Times. He filed for bankruptcy in late May, and owed a total of more than $60,000 in child support, student loans and credit union bills.
The Times also reported that Rodriguez's mother named police as soon as she saw his face on the news, just before he arrived.
At least an hour after the shooting, office workers were still barricaded inside, watching the TV news for more information.
"We've got everybody in one office, with the door barricaded with a chest of drawers," one woman inside the building told the Orlando Sentinel at the time. "There are about 20 of us in here. We're scared."
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